Instructional Leadership Abstracts


#NCIAchat with Mike Gavin, President of Delta College
Topic: Education for All, an overview in navigating anti-diversity, equity & inclusion initiatives
January 25, 2024 @ 2pm Central Time
Access the conversation here:

#NCIAchat with Stephanie Delaney and Margo Keys
Topic: Learn the practices of successful change leaders uncovered in our NSF funded study
September 28, 2023
Access the conversation here: Video Link

#NCIAchat with Abigail Seldin
Topic:  Civic Mapping Initiative
Facilitator:  Dr. Brent Cejda, NCIA Treasurer
March 20, 2023 
Access the conversation here:  Video Link

#NCIAchat with Dr. Davis Jenkins
Topic:  Guided Pathways: What's Next?
Facilitator:  Dr. Tod Treat, NCIA Representative
PowerPoint Slides:  View slides
October 12, 2022
Access the conversation here: