
Mitchell Holder
Dean of Instruction
North Central Missouri College
Cross Hall 126, 1301 Main St.
Trenton, MO 64683
Phone: 660-357-6310
Email: miholder@Mail.Ncmissouri.edu

Vice President
Jeffrey Stomper
Dean, Business & Social Sciences Division
College of Lake County
19351 W. Washington St.
Grayslake, IL 60030
Phone: 847-543-2047
Email: stomper@clcillinois.edu

Stephanie Delaney
Vice President of Instruction
Renton Technical College
3000 NE 4th St.
Renton, WA 98056
Phone: 425-235-2369
Email: sdelaney@rtc.edu

Brent Cejda
Professor, Dept. of Educational Administration
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
P.O. Box 880360
Lincoln, NE 68588-0360
Phone: 402-472-0989
Email: bcejda2@unl.edu

Past President
Erika Hackman
Vice President for Academic Affairs
SUNY Orange
Middletown & Newburgh, NY
Phone: 845-341-4768
Email: erika.hackman@sunyorange.edu

Executive Director
Katherine Wesley
Associate Professor of Practice
Department of Educational Administration
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
P.O. Box 880360
Lincoln, NE 68588-0360
Phone: 402-472-3726
Email: katherine.wesley@unl.edu

Region 1 Representative-(CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VT)
Andrew Fisher
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Bristol Community College
777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Phone: 774-357-2207
Email: andrew.fisher@bristolcc.edu

Region 2 Representative-(DE, DC, MD, NC, SC,VA and WV)
Sharon Brunner
Dean, Curriculum and Instruction
Carroll Community College
1601 Washington Road
Westminster, MD 21157
Phone: 410-386-8142
Email: sbrunner@carrollcc.edu

Region 3 Representative-(AL, FL, GA, KY, MS and TN)
Matthew D. Smith
Dean of Natural Sciences and Professor of Chemistry
Walters State Community College
500 S Davy Crockett Pkwy
Morristown, TN 37813
Phone: 423-585-6881
Email: matthew.smith@ws.edu

Region 4 Representative-(IL, IN, MI, MN, OH and WI)
Kathryn Rogalski
Vice President of Learning
Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute
2740 W. Mason Street
Green Bay, WI 54307-9042
Phone: 920-498-6972
Email: Kathryn.Rogalski@nwtc.edu

Region 5 Representative-(IA, KS, MO, NE, ND and SD)
Cynthia Catherwood
Assoc. Vice President for Academic Affairs
Metropolitan Community College
5300 N. 30th Street
Omaha, NE 68111
Phone: 531-622-2645
Email: cchurchill@mccneb.edu

Region 6 Representative-(AR, LA, OK and TX)
Laura McMillion Bettencourt
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor
Lonestar College-Online
20515 SH 249
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281-290-2744
Email: Laura.McMillion@LoneStar.edu

Region 7 Representative-(AZ, CO, NM, UT, WY)
Nina Corson
Vice President, Downtown Campus
Pima Community College
1255 North Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85709
Phone: (520) 206-7053
Email: ncorson@pima.edu

Region 8 Representative-(AK, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR and WA)
Tod Treat
Vice President of Instruction
Wenatchee Valley College
1300 Fifth Street
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: 509-682-6805
Email: ttreat@wvc.edu

At-Large Representative
Eric Heiser
Coconino County Community College
2800 S. Lone Tree Road
Flagstaff, AZ 86005-2701
Phone: 928-226-4217
Email: President@coconino.edu
At-Large Representative